Thursday, January 23, 2014

Chickens and Rabbits

Things have gotten lively around the house here in Nairobi since the beginning of this year. We started out with a present from Knight, our household help. She brought us two chickens from upcountry. Although agreed, they arrived quite suddenly - Knight called 5 days earlier than scheduled and said "I'm back and want to drop off the chickens." So, they, Bella & Cinderella, slept on our window sill for a few days until we could get a house built for them.

A week later they were gone. A crabby neighbor complained and we were told that the rearing of chickens was not permitted. Luckily, the horse stables were happy to give them a home, and truthfully I think they are much happier there. In exchange we brought home two rabbits and had the chicken coop converted into a rabbit pen. Names: Bella & Schokoladentörtchen.
Now, these rabbits will definitely be happier with us than at the stables. And, we have one happy girl!!

Practicing recorder in a tree......?

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